Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kobe Matsuri point banging on about it, but it has been AGES since I used this thing. So long that I cringe to think about things I wrote before as a fresh faced gaijin, and a bit of a (frustrated, sad, confused) dick at times. But whatever, here I am in 2011, happy and with technology and time to blooogggggg.

Check these pics out, I took them last Sunday at Kobe Matsuri, meaning Kobe festival. The theme was Brazil apparently, but it seemed like an excuse for every kurabbu in town to get involved. Floats ranged from boring soccer teams shambling down the street, through to the Japanese airport customs band.

Amazing costume.

Unicycle Association!!!
It seems like every kid in Japan learns to ride one of these things.

A crash, lol.

Everyone waiting to get back on track...

They do these amazing turns linking arms, looks awesome.

Brazillian Dancer.


Part of the same group as the orange lady.
He looks like a statue!!!


Next came the transvestites.

Lady Gaga.
Note how everyone is looking the other way.

Madonna, who kept giving me the evils.

The end.