Sunday, January 3, 2010

We had fun desu

I spent my new years period with Gareth, Mirabel, Sarah and Japan. We had so much fun doing stuff like partying, eating, seeing stuff, playing Nintendo and hanging. New Years Eve was spent making cocktails with many types of alcohol including an Irish tonic called "Buckfast", predicting fortunes and going to a countdown party followed by karaoke. We somehow ended up coming home at 5.30am.

Time flies when you're having fun desu!

Putting our shoes back on in the agari kamachi (or what is the area called where you take on and off your shoes anyone?) I really hate doing this because I'm lazy.

Waiting in the lift for me to stop effing about.

I took a photo of Gareth taking a photo of us - lol!

This is one of my all time favourite photos - The Super Mario Brothers "duck jump". If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. And if you do, hilarious right??

Just so happy about life in general!!


...NEW YEAR!!!




uh - YAY!!!

It's Daisuke!!! He just kept being there whenever I turned around so he got his photo taken. And now he's seared into my long term memory banks.

Desperately Seeking Dianne Keaton.

Sarah-san made some pals.

Making a public spectacle of myself on the dfloor.

I got accosted by some people who didn't believe my hair was real.
We're having fun desu.

Can I take your coat?

Can WE take your coat?

Umm...things go a bit blurry here.

The combini where I think we spent an hour or so. I asked the guy in the background what he studied. "Raw" he said. I looked at him like what the hell did you just say? Sarah kindly translated for me - "law". I'm an idiot.


Sarahs impression of a salaryman.


Oh, hai! Fancy meeting you here.

Dunno - let's just go to Karaoke already...

Singing something grand.

These two were singing some R Kelly beautifully.


  1. Raw! Hirarious! I reary raffed after reading that.

    Ruv Tom.

  2. not enough darlene photos. oh wait, darlene was taking the photos.

  3. Anonymous... Daisuke?!

    "Nice strike, Darlene".

  4. Raaahahaha!!!! Oh lol lol lol!! Yeah I have no idea!! It must be him!!! Oh heh - got your name offa da scoreboard. I'm Daisuke by the way...

  5. shoe zone at my front door = GENKAN desu!

    i learned that word from daisuke, by the way.

  6. AAAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!! He is a fountain of knowledge.

    Thank you for sharing that, by the way.
